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09 February 2021

Off-site manufacturing - what is the market sentiment in Ireland?

Late last year, Linesight carried out a survey amongst designers, contractors, developers and end users in Ireland, to ascertain the market sentiment about the potential opportunities and barriers to future development of modular construction in Ireland. The survey forms part of the work we are currently doing to develop a white paper, which will explore the potential of off-site construction to transform the construction industry in Ireland. We have partnered with Evolusion and C+W Architects to produce the piece later this year. 

Below is a summary of the survey’s key findings:  

Off-site manufacturing - Ireland

Linesight has worked on, and continues to work on, multiple projects that employ the use of OSM methodologies, across a range of sectors that includes data centers, life sciences, education, residential and healthcare.  

If you have any questions about this survey, its findings or our experience in the OSM space, please reach out to Stephen Ashe and Niall Greene  


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