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13 March 2024

Deep retrofitting: Transforming existing commercial stock to meet sustainable development goals

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In this timely Linesight insight, Su Zen Kong, Associate, delves into the transformative power of deep retrofitting in commercial real estate. 

She considers how older buildings in prime locations hold untapped potential for meeting the highest standards of energy efficiency and environmental improvement.  

This evaluation highlights the significant opportunities deep retrofitting offers, not just in enhancing commercial viability, but also as a cornerstone for sustainable urban development.  

Key Takeaways:

  • Unlocking potential: Understand the value older, prime-location buildings offers after they have been retrofitted, positioning them as vital assets for sustainable growth.  
  • Innovative solutions: Learn about cutting-edge approaches to manage complex retrofit projects, enhancing commercial asset appeal and value in the competitive market.  
  • Strategic ESG focus: Gain insights into how commercial developers are leveraging deep retrofitting to meet their own, as well as tenant, increasing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) targets, significantly reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions while improving occupant comfort and health.  

To read this latest insight from Linesight, please click here.  


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