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01 June 2018

Planning permission granted on prominent Dublin Docklands project

Planning permission has been granted on 10-12 Hanover Quay, with significant renovations planned for the two existing structures. Linesight is providing Cost Management services to Kennedy Wilson on the Dublin Docklands project, which will bring 68,400sq.ft. of high-grade commercial space to the market. The site is located in a vibrant and historically industrial area of Dublin, which was a busy, working port, and takes in Grand Canal Basin and the Dublin Docklands.

In addition to the retention, conservation and repair of the two existing structures, the project will include an extension, and will draw upon the existing maritime industrial architecture of the area and industrial heritage of the site, to integrate the new and retained elements. The development will be targeting a BER A3 rating, as well as LEED Gold certification. 


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