Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

In line with Irish Government legislation, Linesight has published its Gender Pay Gap report for Ireland (Line Radharc).

Ireland (Line Radharc) Gender Pay Gap report  

In line with Irish Government legislation, Linesight is pleased to present our 2023 gender Pay Gap report for Ireland (Line Radharc). The gender pay gap refers to the difference between what is earned on average by women and men based on average gross hourly earnings of all paid employees – it does not refer to men and women doing the same job or with the same experience or working pattern.

We are delighted to see a positive shift in our mean gender pay gap figures since the publication of our first report in 2022, with a reduction in the overall gap from 20.75% to 18.46%.

While we acknowledge that this progress represents a small step toward our longer-term goal of increasing gender balance in our team and closing the gender pay gap, it signifies a positive trend in the right direction. We are confident that the initiatives that we have introduced and our strategic focus on reducing this gap will help achieve more closer aligned gender pay structure. As an industry it is likely to take several years to really address the balance of gender representation at all levels, however at Linesight we are committed to taking every initiative to remove barriers and provide support to women entering and progressing in the industry. 

Download a copy using the button below.

Gender Pay Gap report for Ireland (Line Radharc)