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18 November 2016

Senior Project Manager at Linesight delivers keynote at prestigious European Data Center industry event

Last week, Linesight's Senior Project Manager, Pat Unger, was invited to speak at the prestigious Enterprise Ireland ‘Building Innovative Partnerships’ event in Amsterdam. The conference, which focused on collaboration across the European Data Centre Industry, was attended by senior management from 14 key Member Companies of the Dutch Datacenter Association. 

Pat delivered a talk about Data Centre Cost Benchmarking, which endeavours to establish a baseline against which data centre costings can be measured, in order to facilitate greater market intelligence for informed decision making. It allows for a more consistent global approach, the development of regional negotiation targets, provides more accurate budgeting and forecasting, and unit price comparison as well as $/MW. In terms of its application, it can also be used to identify price point (macro & micro level), developing costing models for Capex/Opex and as a negotiation tool.

Click here to view Pat's presentation  


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