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09 May 2017

Chartered Quantity Surveyors Perspective on BIM published based on research of Linesight Cost Manager

With 60 percent of industry respondents indicating that they have implemented, or intend to implement BIM shortly, the results of the SCSI survey on the Chartered Quantity Surveyors Perspective on BIM are positive. Linesight Cost Manager, Declan Magee, who is based in our Dublin office, conducted extensive research in the area, on which the report was based. The SCSI BIM Working Group, chaired by Linesight Associate Director, Gary Comerford, delivered the publication, which has uncovered a number of significant findings. Amongst those findings, it was revealed that the value attributed to BIM is quite high, with a significant proportion of quantity surveyors (over 80%) stating that it will improve efficiency and speed on quantity take off. 

Read the full report here.


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