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10 August 2016

Linesight Associate Director to ‘Race Around Ireland’

Linesight Associate Director Greg Donaghey will be participating in ‘The Race Around Ireland’ (RAI), which starts on Sunday 28th August 2016. The RAI is an ultra-distance, non-stop cycle race covering 2,150KM, which passes some of the most stunning scenery in Ireland, including Newgrange, The Causeway Coast, Malin Head, Cliffs of Moher, Ring of Kerry, and Mizen Head.

Greg will be entering as part of a two-man team with Damian Donohue (not Linesight), and a crew of eight who will navigate and look after them on their epic journey. 

The pair has to remain on the bike for the four days’ duration of the race, taking turns to eat and sleep. 

Linesight wishes them the best of luck, and is providing the team with a €500 sponsorship.

For more information please check out details at The Race Around Ireland.  


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